You can start using your Chargily Pay account in Test Mode immediately after creating it. In this mode, you can simulate all of Chargily Pay’s features without involving actual funds. To process real payments, you must activate your User Account and Application.

1. Verify your User Account


First Step

Enter your information on your profile settings page then click on the Update button.

Chargily Pay Profile


Second Step

On the same page, click on the Verify my user account button.

Chargily Pay's account verification button


Third Step

Wait for a member of our team to review and approve your verification request.

After your User Account is verified, you can switch to Live Mode, but you still need to verify your Application.

On Live Mode, while your Application is not yet verified, your checkout pages will have a message indicating that your Application is not yet verified.

Chargily Pay unverified application warning

2. Verify your Application


First Step

Visit your Application’s settings page.

Going to the Application settings page


Second Step

Fill in all the required information, click on the Save changes button then click on the Request verification button.


Third Step

Wait for a member of our team to review and approve your verification request.

After your Application is verified, you can start accepting payments in Live Mode. And the warning message will no longer appear on your checkout pages.

Chargily Pay Application verified